AI-Generated Sports Art: The Ultimate Quiz

Based on the overwhelming silence that greeted my last post, I feel obligated to present a second post on the topic.

In case you’ve forgotten (but how could you?), I created sports art featuring the Green Bay Packers in the style of the Old Masters by using an artificial-intelligence-powered image generator called DALL-E mini (or, in its brand-new guise, Craiyon.).

This time around, I thought it’d be fun to test your knowledge of fine art and the mimicking abilities of Craiyon with a little quiz. Because who isn’t heavily into sports and fine art?

I’ll show you the art and give you a hint, and then you can name the artist and check your answers at the bottom.

Sound good? Well, it doesn’t matter if it sounds good, because it’s happening. Here goes …

HINT: The stuff Post Office murals and Kansas album covers are made of.

HINT: Sunday on the field with Vince.

HINT: Nighthawks at Kroll’s, waiting on the score of the Rams game on the coast.

HINT: The brow. It’s all about the brow.

HINT: Her husband, painted during that time in the 1930s when Packers spent their summers working as Mexican peasants.

HINT: An early Packers-Broncos game – and incidentally, I am all about people playing football on horseback.

HINT: Remember when football players were encouraged to take ballet to improve their coordination? Be careful what you wish for.

HINT: Proof that the origins of Packer football actually go back to 17th-century Holland.

HINT: Speaking of 17th-century Holland, how about an old master (Aaron Rodgers, in this case) as done by an Old Master?

Last one …

HINT: Forget that noses baffle AI. This is an eerily accurate representation of the image-challenged face of the franchise in the style of this recently deceased (and even more image-challenged) modern master.

HINT: Happy trees!


HINT: Finally, some real sports art!

Ready for the answers? Again, it doesn’t matter if you’re ready; here are the answers.

  1. Thomas Hart Benton

  2. Georges Seurat

  3. Edward Hopper

  4. Frida Kahlo

  5. Diego Rivera

  6. Frederic Remington

  7. Edgar Degas

  8. Frans Hals

  9. Hans Holbein the Elder

  10. Chuck Close

  11. Bob Ross

  12. LeRoy Neiman

How’d you do? Be honest, and grade yourself on a straight curve.

So obviously Craiyon is a basic image-generation program and can only render football players and great artists in broad strokes (sorry!), but it’s already the equal of LeRoy Neiman. And it’s amazing how much of an artist’s style it can synthesize and apply to something the artist never would have dreamed of painting.

I have many more where these come from; such is the way of time sucks. But if you enjoyed this let me know, and we’ll do this all over again in a couple of weeks.